Scuba Diving

sea turtle in Puerto Galera

Dive Deep into Paradise: Top 7 Must-See Marine Life in Puerto Galera

Puerto Galera, the Dive Capital of the Philippines, boasts a vibrant underwater world teeming with diverse and fascinating marine life. Crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and hidden muck dives create a haven for marine enthusiasts. Here at Casalay Resort, we understand the magic of encountering these incredible creatures firsthand. So, pack your fins, grab your

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Rhinopias in Puerto Galera

Dive Photography Tips and Tricks: Capturing the Beauty of Puerto Galera with Casalay

Embarking on an underwater adventure in Puerto Galera is a dream for many, and capturing the mesmerizing beauty beneath the waves through photography is an art in itself. Casalay Dive Resort, nestled in this tropical paradise, offers a luxurious backdrop for your dive experiences and photography pursuits. In this blog post, we’ll explore some invaluable

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